Women Empowerment Puzzles
March 8th, 2021
Author: Jimena G.
Today we are celebrating March 8 - International Women's Day, which commemorates on a global level the struggle of women for their place in society, their rights, and equality.
Why is it celebrated on March 8?
On March 8th, 1857, in the middle of the industrial revolution, textile workers came out to protest in New York with the slogan "Bread and roses". They protested for the miserable working conditions, calling for a cut in hours and an end to child labor. At the II International Conference of Women, held in 1910 in Copenhagen, the celebration of "Working Women's Day" was approved, celebrated the following year in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland. Little by little, it has been spreading to other countries.

Since 1975 the UN promulgates March 8th as International Women's Day and initiates different campaigns to promote female empowerment.
Women empowerment refers to the process in which women take over their own lives and decision-making, in terms of equality, on a personal and social level.
Today multiple demonstrations are held to protest the social inequality in which we live. Female participation continues to be lower in government positions: they are only heads of state or government in 22 countries and occupy less than 25% of parliamentary positions. Also, women are in the front line of battle against Covid-19 as scientists, doctors and citizens; however, they earn 11% less than their male counterparts, as UN women points out.
In recent years women empowerment has been reflected in the puzzle community and more and more puzzles that praise women and their significant achievements.
On this particular date, we want to do our bit by sharing puzzles that celebrate women. For this, we have chosen the American brand eeBoo, woman-owned, which has been a pioneer in this theme. Every year they launch new puzzles with strong women and illustrated by women - we even have a preview of their next collection!
Votes for Women - 500 & 100 pieces
The idea of sharing a post with puzzles about women empowerment was born with these two puzzles about female voting. From eeBoo's 2019 collection, and designed by Monica Garwood to celebrate the centennial of the 19th Amendment, which gave female U.S. citizens the right to vote. The Amendment was approved in 1920, after decades of struggle for the female vote by dozens of women and men.
In addition to an ingenious illustration, this 500-piece puzzle has a circular shape with a brochure with information about each fighter's role in this historic event in American history.
They also have a 100-piece version so that we can all enjoy this particular puzzle.
Poet's Garden - 1000 pieces

In the Poet's Garden, we can see 7 important poets and writers who have crossed continents and centuries. Even today, they continue to teach the new generations.
Jennifer Orkin has portrayed in a beautiful floral garden the Greek poet Sappho, Li Quinzao representing Chinese culture, and the Mexican Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. We can also see Miriam Makeba, "Mama Africa", Kamala Surayya, and the Americans Maya Angelou and Mary Oliver. Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful puzzles in this 2021 catalog, don't you think?
Women March - 500 pieces

The Women March was convened on January 21, 2017, in Washington in protest at Donald Trump's macho comments. He began his US presidency that same day. Protests were also held in 87 countries on 5 continents. It could be considered one of the largest protests in American history and significant worldwide repercussions. Fairness, tolerance, solidarity, and justice were defended.
We can see on its edge a phrase from the feminist Gloria Steinman:
“We are linked, we are not ranked, and this is a day that will change us forever because we are together, each of us individually and collectively will never be the same.”
Goddesses and Warriors - 500 pieces

In this round jigsaw puzzle we can see 9 strong women. Goddesses, warriors and heroines from around the world who could defeat any adversary! Artist: Ross MacDonald.
Without a doubt, this is one of my favorites, and it was one of the first puzzles I saw celebrating women.
It is currently discontinued, but copies can still be found in various stores.
Imposing, right?
Jane Austen's Book Club - 1000 pieces

Through the puzzles, we can learn about female empowerment and classic works such as those of Jane Austen and the writers that we see in this puzzle.
Here, we can see five writers meeting in a library. Jennifer Orkin Lewis shows Jane Austen, George Eliot, Virginia Woolf, and Zora Neale Hurston talking about books in this illustration. Click here to get this puzzle!
Viva la Vida - 1000 pieces

In "Viva la Vida" we can see Frida Kahlo and different main elements of her life, illustrated by Maya Hanisch. Her life and her way of facing it have made her a symbol of feminism; she was a powerful, free and self-sufficient woman. In her works, she openly shared her views on sexuality, motherhood, and abortions in a society where women had no voice.
International Women's Day - 500 pieces

Thanks to our eeBoo friends' trust, we can share a preview of the next "Holidays 2021" catalog. A magnificent illustration by Jennifer Orkin Lewis, depicting women of different work backgrounds, ethnicities and ages. I can't wait for mine, and you?
So far, our favorite eeBoo woman empowerment puzzles, we hope you enjoyed them a lot.
How many of you have tried a puzzle from this brand? What do you think of this puzzle theme? Tell us!

One Comment on “Women Empowerment Puzzles”
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